Maldives Stays

Visit Maldives commences a joint campaign with TripZilla

Posted on: 7/24/2021, 11:54:47 AM
The Maldives is one of the world's most popular safe haven places. Visit Maldives and TripZilla have launched a combined effort to advertise the Maldives as a secure sanctuary for Southeast Asian travelers. From July to December, a range of digital marketing components will be used in the five-month branding campaign. A video presentation highlighting the serene scattered islands and the distinctive geography of the Maldives will be shown in addition to the articles.
Visit Maldives is promoting the destination across Southeast Asia in order to keep Maldives at the top of travelers' minds. The campaign is being run in accordance with the Southeast Asia market's marketing plan to raise awareness of the activities available to Muslim, family, and luxury guests. To promote Maldives, Visit Maldives has collaborated with Travel+Leisure as well as 'Have, Halal, Will Travel.'